


updated January 2025

Daniel Gallimore

Professor, School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University



   D.Phil. (Oriental Studies), Linacre College, Oxford


   Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Japanese), School of Education, University of Nottingham


   M.A. Japanese Studies (with Distinction), Centre for Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield


   B.A. (Hons.) English Language and Literature, Christ Church, Oxford

   Upper Second degree

   M.A. conferred in 1997


since April 2011

   Professor, Department of Literature and Linguistics, School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University

   Field representative (English language and literature), School of Humanities (2016-8)

   Chair (English language), university entrance examination committee (2020-1)

   Area representative (English language and literature), Graduate School of Humanities (2022-4)

   Courses taught:

   3rd and 4th year tutorial groups (Shakespeare in text and performance)

   graduation thesis (4th year)

   lecture course on Shakespeare comedy (3rd year)

   modern play reading course (Caryl Churchill etc.) (3rd year)

   research seminar in English literature (maritime literature) (3rd year)

   lecture course on history of English literature (2nd year)

   short story reading course (V.S. Pritchett etc.) (2nd year)

   general English reading course (textbook) (2nd year)

   intercultural communication course (textbook) (2nd year)

   humanities seminar ('looking at Shakespeare') (1st year)

   introduction to English literature (1st year lecture)

   postgraduate seminar in British literature (Arden Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama) (Master's students)

   postgraduate special lecture course in British literature (on Japanese Shakespeare adaptation in autumn 2023) (Master's students)

   postgraduate research methodology and writing (Master's students)

   doctoral thesis seminar (PhD candidates)

since 2023

   Lecturer (part-time), School of Letters, Kobe College, Nishinomiya


   Visiting Fellow, Northrop Frye Centre, Victoria College, University of Toronto (sabbatical leave)


   Lecturer (part-time), School of Letters, University of Kyoto


   Associate Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Japan Women’s University


   Lecturer, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Japan Women’s University

part-time lecturing positions (2003-11)

   Waseda University (2003-4), Meiji Gakuin University (2004-9), Hosei University (2004), Sophia University (2005-6), Ochanomizu Women’s University (2007-10),

   and University of Tokyo (2009-11)


   Sasakawa Lecturer in Japanese (part-time), School of Languages, Oxford Brookes University

   tutor in Japanese language and literature (part-time), Oriental Institute, Oxford


   Assistant English Teacher, Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School, Lincolnshire


   Teacher of English, St Anselm’s School, Basildon, Essex


   Assistant Reporter, Jiji Press, London


   Research Assistant, Japan Local Government Centre, London


   Programme Coordinator, Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, Tokyo


   Assistant English Teacher, Kogakukan Junior and Senior High School, Saga, Japan (hired under Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)



The Japanese Shakespeare: Language and Context in the Translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo, Routledge (Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies), 232 pp.

'Not what Shakespeare wrote: a strategy for reading translation', in Alexa Alice Joubin, ed., Contemporary Readings in Global Performance of Shakespeare, Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, pp. 25-40


'Shakespearean comedy and Japanese (wo)men's Shakespeare: a refraction fot the twenty-first century', Cahiers Élisabéthains 111: 1, pp. 42-57

'Shoyo’s realism and Shakespeare’s real women: the case of Isabella', Kwansei Gakuin University, Journal of the Society of English and American Literature 67, pp. 1-24

review: Conor Hanratty, Shakespeare in the Theatre: Yukio Ninagawa (Arden Shakespeare, 2021), English Journal of JSTR  3:1 (online), pp. 91-7


'Comment on Matsuoka Kazuko', exhibition, ''Words, words, words'. – Matsuoka Kazuko to Sheikusupia geki honyaku'' (Shakespeare translations of Matsuoka Kazuko) (Oct 2022 to Jan 2023), Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University,

'Ninagawa's ancient journeys', in Graham Holderness, ed., Critical Survey 34:4, pp. 113-23

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo to Sheikusupia no 'fushigi'' (Strangeness in the Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo), Society of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University, Jinbun Ronkyu 72:3, pp. 65-90


'Canonising Shakespeare in 1920s Japan: Tsubouchi Shoyo and the translator's choice', in Graham Holderness, ed., Critical Survey 33:1, pp. 8-22

'Four-character idioms and the rhetoric of Japanese Shakespeare translation', Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance  23:38, Lodz University Press, pp. 13-41

'From tea to Shakespeare: a reflection on my Japanese past', margASIA 9:1, Centre for Asian Studies, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, pp. 15-17

'The rhetoric of rubi  in Tsubouchi Shoyo's translation of Henry IV, Part 1  (1919)', Kwansei Gakuin University, Journal of the Society of English and American Literature 65, pp. 1-20

translation: Furukawa Takeshi, Chiten no kimi (2013) (Will of Heaven), in Japan Playwrights Association, ed., Engeki: Japanese Theatre in the New Millennium 6, Japan Playwrights Association, pp. 1-80

translation: Studio Life, Twelfth Night, dir. Kurata Jun, Theater Sun Mall, 2009, adaptation of original translation by Matsuoka Kazuko (Chikuma Shobo, 1998),

review: Japan Playwrights Association, ed., Engeki: Japanese Theatre in the New Millennium , Vols. 1 to 4 (2016-9), English Journal of JSTR  2:1 (online), pp. 70-77


‘Of ponds, lakes, and the sea: Shoyo, Shakespeare, and Romanticism’, in Alex Watson and Laurence Williams, ed., British Romanticism in Asia: The Reception, Translation, and Transformation of Romantic Literature in East Asia and India , Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 273-92


‘Reading accentual prosody in Japanese Shakespeare translation’, Shakespeare Association of Korea, Shakespeare Review  54:1, pp. 99-113


‘Affective expressions in two Japanese translations of the Gravediggers’ scene’, Kwansei Gakuin University, Journal of the Society of English and American Literature 61, pp. 1-19

‘Ninagawa’s ancient journeys’, in Steve Muller, ed., Doctoral Program for Multicultural  Innovation, Osaka University, Readings for the RESPECT Program: Embracing the Arts, Vol. 12,  pp. 221-41

translation: ‘Tsubouchi Shoyo and the hidden ideals dispute: an annotated translation of three  texts’, Society of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University, Jinbun Ronkyu 67:3, pp. 79-107


Tsubouchi Shoyo’s ‘Shinkyoku Urashima’ and the Wagnerian Moment in Meiji Japan (with a translation of Shinkyoku Urashima ), Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 208  pp.

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo and the beauty of Shakespeare translation in 1900s Japan’, in Jose Manuel  Gonzalez, ed., Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 13:28, Lodz  University Press, pp. 69-85

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo: romantic visionary’, translation, ‘Modern criticism: wrestling with Western realism’ (Nakano Masaaki), and with Minami Ryuta, ‘Seven stages of Shakespeare’s reception’, in Jonah Salz, ed., A History of Japanese Theatre , Cambridge University Press, p. 208, pp. 454-62, and pp. 484-96


‘The big picture and ‘the missing picture’: two films of the Cambodian genocide’, Kwansei Gakuin University, Journal of the Society of English and American Literature 59, pp. 213-31

review: Machigai no kigeki – utsutsu wa yume futago no tawamure ( The Comedy of Errors ), adapted Kishi Tetsuo, Piccolo Theatre, Amagasaki (20th October, 2013), Shakespeare Society of Japan, Shakespeare Studies 52, pp. 35-38

translation: ‘Firippu Rakin no shi junihen no Nihongo honyaku’ (A Japanese translation of twelve poems by Philip Larkin), Society of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University, Jinbun Ronkyu 65:3, pp. 19-38


‘‘Between poetry and performance’: the nemesis of Richard III in two contemporary Japanese  translations’, Shakespeare Association of Korea, Shakespeare Review 50:5, pp. 843-60

‘‘Deep reading’: Shakespeare translation in Heisei Japan’, Renaissance Institute, Sophia  University, Renaissance Bulletin 40, pp. 7-31

‘Teaching Sheikusupia’, British Shakespeare Association, Teaching Shakespeare 6, pp. 6-8


‘Setting the pace: a dromology of Shakespeare translation in post-war Japan’, in Issy Yuliasri, ed., First IATIS Regional Workshop Proceedings: Translation and Cultural Identity , Semarang State University, pp. 13-24

‘Sheikusupia geki no Nihongo butai honyaku – ‘shi’ to ‘geki’ no deai’ (Poetry and drama in Japanese stage translations of Shakespeare), Society of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University, Jinbun Ronkyu 63:1, pp. 167-87

‘Shoyo at sea: Shakespeare translation as a site for maritime exchange in Meiji and Taisho Japan’, in Deborah Cartmell and Gabriel Egan, ed., British Shakespeare Association, Shakespeare 9:4,  pp. 428-47

‘Sir Walter Scott and the Romanticism of Tsubouchi Shoyo’, in Steve Clark, ed., Poetica 79, Tokyo: Yushodo, pp. 101-13

‘‘The travelin’est man I ever seed’: V.S. Pritchett and the short story’, Kwansei Gakuin University, Journal of the Society of English and American Literature 57, pp. 79-93


Sounding Like Shakespeare: A Study of Prosody in Four Japanese Translations of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ , Nishinomiya: Kwansei Gakuin University Press, 208 pp.

‘Philip Larkin and the metaphysics of mortality’, Japan Women’s University, Studies in English and American Literature 47, pp. 175-89

‘Tsubouchi, Dryden and global Shakespeare’, in Richard Wilson and José Manuel González, ed., Alicante Journal of English Studies 25, pp. 81-96

translation: Kuni nusubito (The Thief of the Kingdom), dir. Nomura Mansai, Setagaya Public Arts Theatre, Tokyo, 2007, original adaptation and translation of Shakespeare’s Richard III by Kawai Shoichiro (Kadokawa Shoten, 2012),


‘Philip Larkin (1922-85), Renaissance Man’, Renaissance Institute, Sophia University, Renaissance Bulletin 37, pp. 3-22

‘Shakespeare and the blackboard jungle: teaching and performing Shakespeare in contemporary Britain’, Japan Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities Journal 60, pp. 107-22

‘Tsubouchi’s Shakespeares and the quest for cultural norms in modernizing Japan’, in Leo Chan,  ed., Hong Kong Translation Society, Translation Quarterly 61, pp. 1-24

review: Antony and Cleopatra , dir. Ninagawa Yukio, Theatre Brava, Osaka (28th October, 2011),


‘Gendai Nihon ni okeru Sheikusupia honyaku – atarashii paradaimu ni mukete’ (Shakespeare translation in contemporary Japan – towards a new paradigm), in Kobayashi Kaori, ed., Nihon no Sheikusupia joen/joen kenkyu no ima (Shakespeare Performance in Contemporary Japan), Nagoya: Fubaisha, pp. 64-78

‘Smelling a rat: towards a corpus linguistic approach to Tsubouchi Shoyo’s Hamlet translations (1909/1933)’, in Fuyuki Hiromi and Motoyama Tetsuhito, ed., Sheikusupia no hirogaru sekai: jidai/ baitai wo koete ‘miru’ tekusuto (The Text Made Visible: Shakespeare on the Page, Stage and Screen), Tokyo: Sairyusha, pp. 77-100

‘Speaking Shakespeare in Japanese: some contemporary exponents’, in Dennis Kennedy and Yong Li Lan, ed., Foreign Shakespeare: Contemporary Performance in the New Asias , Cambridge University Press, pp. 42-56

translation: ‘Shoyo, Soseki, and Shakespeare: translations of three key texts’, in Japan Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities Journal 59, pp. 41-61

‘‘Sheikusupia wo yaku shita Nihonjin’ – Tsubouchi Shoyo no kaigai juyo no gaisetsu’  (An overview of non-Japanese responses to the achievement of Tsubouchi Shoyo), in Tsubouchi Shoyo no engeki bunya no koseki ni kan suru takakuteki kenkyu’ hokokusho (Current Research in Tsubouchi Shoyo Studies), Waseda University Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, pp. 61-66

translation: Shakespeare Company for Children and Adults, A Midsummer Night’s Dream , dir. Yamasaki Seisuke, Tokyo Globe Theatre, 2007, adaptation of original translation by Odashima Yushi (Hakusuisha, 1983),

translation: Ryutopia Macbeth , dir. Kurita Yoshihiro, Niigata City Performing Arts Centre, 2004, adaptation of original translation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Matsuoka Kazuko (Chikuma Shobo, 1996),

joint translation: Arai Yoshio, ed., The Mind Sutra of the Child and Chacha the Dog (Maboroshi Hajime, Warabe to Chacha no hannya shingyo ), Kyoto: Maboroshi Hajime

review: Ryutopia, The Winter’s Tale , Hyogo Performing Arts Centre, Kobe (11th September,  2008), Sazanka Club, Cultural Japan 2, pp. 91-100

review: maidenagoya productions, Romeo & Juliet , Atelier Fontaine, Roppongi, Tokyo  (6th December, 2008), Shakespeare Society of Japan, Shakespeare Studies 47, pp. 50-53 


‘Inside out: dreaming the Dream in contemporary Japan and Korea’, in Lee Hyon-u, ed., Glocalising Shakespeare in Korea and Beyond , Seoul: Dongin Publishing, pp. 225-41

‘Shakespeare in contemporary Japan’, in Charles Ross and Alex Huang, ed., Shakespeare in Hollywood, Asia, and Cyberspace , West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, pp. 105-16

joint translation: Isomae Junichi, ed., Naratibu no kenri (Homi K. Bhabha, ‘The Right To Narrate’ and Selected Essays ), Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo

review: Noh King Lear , Kioi Hall, Yotsuya, Tokyo (29th April, 2009), The Bulletin of the International Society for Harmony and Combination of Cultures 13, pp. 66-67


‘Sheikusupia honyakugaku: sonetto juniban no mittsu no Nihongo honyaku’ (Shakespeare translation studies: three Japanese versions of Sonnet 12), in Japan Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities Journal 57, pp. 77-87


‘The hiddenness of Tsubouchi Shoyo’, in Renaissance Institute, Sophia University, Renaissance Bulletin 33, pp. 27-39

‘Monomania – Sheikusupia no honyaku kenkyu yori’ (2007) (Thoughts on Shakespeare  translation), Japan Women’s University Library, Nihon Joshi Daigaku Toshokan Tomo no Kai Kaiho 115, pp. 1-4

review: Tetsuo Kishi and Graham Bradshaw, Shakespeare in Japan (Continuum, 2005), Asian Theatre Journal 24:1, pp. 293-97


‘‘Katarareta koto, aruiwa katararenakatta koto’’ – sekai bungaku no yomikata’ (‘Told or not told’ – notes on teaching world literature), in Izubuchi Keiko, ed., Dokusho suru joseitachi (Women Reading), Tokyo: Sairyusha, pp. 377-88

‘Private visions and public spaces – Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 1920s Japan’, in  Japan Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities Journal 55, pp. 13-25

‘Shoyo’s Shakespeare: theory and practice’, in Sophia International Review 28, pp. 1-14

‘‘Singing like birds i’th’ cage’’: the voices of Shakespeare in Meiji Japan’, in Japan Women’s  University, Studies in English and American Literature 41, pp. 169-79

‘Strength in weakness: a note on accentual rhythm in Japanese translations of A Midsummer Night’s Dream ’, in Tom Bishop et al., ed., The Shakespearean International Yearbook 2006 , New York: Ashgate, pp. 331-48

translation: Yagi Shuichiro, Kono shoni (1955) (The Little One), in Japan Playwrights  Association, ed., Half a Century of Japanese Theatre VIII: 1950s , Kinokuniya, pp. 281-301


‘‘In least speak most’ – Sheikusupia no Nihongo honyaku ni okeru shichigocho’ (The use of seven-five meter in Japanese translations of Shakespeare), in Japan Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities Journal 54, pp. 29-37

‘Measuring distance: Tsubouchi Shoyo and the myth of Shakespeare translation’, in Theo Hermans, ed., Translating Others , Vol. 2, Manchester: St Jerome, pp. 483-92

review: Simon Palfrey, Doing Shakespeare (Thomson Learning, 2005), Shakespeare Society of  Japan, Shakespeare News 44:3, pp. 23-24

translation: Fukuda Yoshiyuki, Oppekepe (1963) (Oppekepe), in Japan Playwrights Association, ed., Half a Century of Japanese Theatre VII: 1960s , Part 2, Kinokuniya, pp. 115-213


‘Honyaku to kindai’ (Tsubouchi Shoyo as modernist), in Araki Masazumi et al., ed., Honyaku no keniki – bunka • shokuminchi • aidentitii (Sphere of Translation – Culture, Postcolonialism and  Identity in East Asia), Tsukuba University, pp. 139-51

‘Shakespeare’s history plays in Japan’, in Ton Hoenselaars, ed., Shakespeare’s History Plays: Performance, Translation and Adaptation in Britain and Abroad , Cambridge University Press, pp. 92-107

review: J.W. de Gruchy, Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2003) and J. Scott Miller, Adaptations of Western Literature in Meiji Japan (Palgrave, 2001), British Association for Japanese Studies, Japan Forum   16:2, pp. 349-51


translation: Komatsu Mikio, Ame no wanmanka (1976) (Mystery Tour), in Japan Playwrights  Association, ed., Half a Century of Japanese Theatre V: 1970s , Tokyo: Kinokuniya, pp. 131-60


‘‘Dreams come true’: Fukuda Tsuneari and the Shakespearean sub-text’, in Rebecca Copeland  et al., ed., Acts of Writing , Vol. II, Association for Japanese Literary Studies, pp. 138-52

‘The sonnet form in Japanese’, in Daniel Gallimore, ed., British Association for Japanese Studies, Kenkyu , pp. 1-10


‘Shakespeare and the internationalization of modern Japan’, in Daniel Gallimore and Dimitrina Mihaylova, ed., Linacre College, Oxford, Linacre Journal 4, pp. 69-85


‘Stylistic mixing: lyric and rhetoric in Japanese translations of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream ’, in Peter Matanle, ed., British Association for Japanese Studies, East Asia Research Review , pp. 49-58

‘Yukio Ninagawa’, in J.E. Hoare, ed., Britain & Japan Biographical Portraits , Vol. III, Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library, pp. 324-37



'Shoyo's Shakespeare: an introduction' (public lecture), Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University, 18th January, 2025


''Gokuraku tonbo': Tsubouchi Shoyo on Sheikusupia-geki honyakuron ni mukete' (Towards a theory of the Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo) (presentation), Kansai Shakespeare Circle, Doshisha University, 29th September, 2024


panellist, 'Translating Shakespeare's verse', and roundtable discussant, 'Sonnets and the cross-cultural', symposium, University of Birmingham-Waseda Research Collaboration, 'Cross-cultural perspectives on verse', Waseda University, 16th and 17th December, '2023

'Tsubouchi Shoyo’s Tempest translation and the aesthetic of wakanyo' (presentation), 60th anniversary international conference, Shakespeare Association of Korea, Seoul International University, 27th October, 2023

''The Shoyo line', and does it matter?' (special lecture), international conference, 'Translation of Shakespeare as cultural exchange', Waseda University, 29th September, 2023


'Hate not 'hate': Tsubouchi Shoyo's Hamlet translations and the archaizing motion' (special lecture), international conference, University of Birmingham-Waseda Research Collaboration, 'Found in translation: understanding Shakespeare through intercultural dialogue', Waseda University, 19th September, 2022


'Shoyo's realism and Shakespeare's real women: the case of Isabella' (online presentation), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, 9th October, 2021

'Shakespearean comedy and Japanese (wo)men’s Shakespeare: a refraction for the 21st century' (co-convener and presenter, 'Shakespeare translation as mediation'), online seminar, 11th World Shakespeare Congress, Singapore, 17th July, 2021

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo to Sheikusupia no 'fushigi''’ (panel presentation, 'Tsubouchi Shoyo and the strangeness of Shakespeare'), special symposium (online) on 'Shakespeare's reception in Japan from the Meiji era' (chair, Kawai Shoichiro), annual conference, English Literary Society of Japan, Waseda University, 23rd May, 2021


'Tsubouchi Shoyo: a voice for Shakespeare in modern Japan' (online talk), Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation, Dublin, 19th November, 2020

'‘Strange’ and ‘wonderful’: the politics of mystery (fushigi) in the Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo' (online presentation), 4th biennial conference, Asian Shakespeare Association, Sejong University, Seoul, 5th November, 2020


‘The use of Chinese characters and phonetic glosses in early 20th century Japanese Shakespeare translations’ (presentation), international conference, Korean Association of Medieval and Early Modern English Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, 19th October, 2019

‘In search of Shoyo: metonymy and voice in Tsubouchi’s Shakespeare translations’ (lecture), annual meeting, Kwansei Gakuin Society of English and American Literature, 28th September, 2019


‘Canonizing Shakespeare in 1920s Japan: Tsubouchi Shoyo and the translator’s choice’ (lecture), Northrop Frye Centre, Victoria College, Toronto, 14th November, 2018

‘Speakability in contemporary Japanese Shakespeare translation’ (workshop), international conference, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 3rd July, 2018

‘Sheikusupia no umi wo watatta Shoyo no Tenpesuto yaku’ (Tsubouchi Shoyo and The Tempest )  (lecture), Shoyo Forum, Minokamo Bunka no Mori, Gifu, 20th May, 2018

‘Shakespeare here and now’ (convener and panelist, ‘Shakespeare and British culture since 1960’), annual conference, English Literary Society of Japan, Japan Women’s Christian University, Tokyo, 19th May, 2018


‘Sheikusupia no yurei to Meiji no honyakusha’ (Shakespeare’s ghosts and Meiji culture) (presentation), international forum, Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Nagoya, 10th November, 2017

‘Reading accentual prosody in Japanese Shakespeare presentation’ (presentation), international conference, Shakespeare Association of Korea, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, 27th October, 2017

book review: Adam Roberts, ed., Coleridge: Lectures on Shakespeare (1811-1819) (Edinburgh  University Press, 2016), Kansai Shakespeare Circle, Kwansei Gakuin University, Umeda Campus, 24th September, 2017

‘Neitibu no Nihongo shutokushi to obei ni okeru gaikokugo kyoiku jijo’ (The use of Japanese by foreign professors in Japanese higher education: learning profiles and backgrounds) (panel discussion), annual conference, Japan Society of English Usage and Style, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, 25th June, 2017

‘Tsubouchi, Sheikusupia, Waguna – hanpuku no gekitekina kino’ (Tsubouchi Shoyo and the uses of repetition) (presentation), annual conference, Japan Society for Theatre Research, Keio University, Yokohama, 3rd June, 2017


‘Genzai no Nihongo Sheikusupia honyaku ni okeru yoji jukugo no sekai’ (Four-character idioms in the contemporary Shakespeare translations of Matsuoka Kazuko) (lecture and discussion with Matsuoka Kazuko), Waseda Shakespeare Festival 2016, Waseda University, 16th December, 2016

‘Affective expressions in two Japanese translations of the Gravediggers’ scene’ (seminar on Hamlet 5.1), 10th World Shakespeare Congress, Stratford-upon-Avon, 1st August, 2016

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo no Sheikusupia honyaku’ (The Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo) (lecture), Shoyo Forum, Mizuho Playhouse, Nagoya, 22nd May, 2016


‘Sheikusupia to umi – hiyu/haikei/rekishi’ (Shakespeare and the sea: metaphor, background, and history) (convener and panelist, ‘Shakespeare and the sea’), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, Hokkaido University of Education, Hakodate, 11th October, 2015

‘Matsuoka’s four-letter words: expressing the inexpressible in contemporary Japanese Shakespeare translation’ (co-convener and panelist, ‘Shakespeare’s ‘great feast of languages’: contemporary issues in Shakespeare translation’), international conference, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7th to 8th July, 2015


‘Tsubouchi Shoyo’s Shinkyoku Urashima (1904): the possibilities of Japanese Wagner’ (convener and presenter, ‘Cultural spaces of Meiji Romanticism’), international conference, ‘Romantic Connections’, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, 15th June, 2014

‘Ninagawa’s ancient journeys’ (seminar, ‘Travel and identity’), inaugural conference, Asian Shakespeare Association, Taipei, 16th May, 2014

‘The visible Shakespeare translator: towards a life of Tsubouchi Shoyo’ (presentation), International Shakespeare Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 9th March, 2014


‘Speakability in contemporary Japanese Shakespeare translations’ (presentation), international conference, Shakespeare Association of Korea, Seoul National University, 1st November, 2013

‘‘Deep reading’: Shakespeare translation in Heisei Japan’ (presentation), general meeting, Renaissance Institute, Sophia University, 28th September, 2013

‘Shakespeare’s poetic dramas and the significance of Tsubouchi Shoyo’ (lecture), Department of Translation, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 23rd September, 2013

‘Translating Shakespeare’s women in Taisho and Heisei Japan’ (lecture), annual conference, Japan Society of English Usage and Style, Kyoto Seibo College, 15th June, 2013

‘Larkin’s Pentecostal experience: presence and absence in ‘The Whitsun Weddings’’ (presentation), annual conference, English Literary Society of Japan, Tohoku University, Sendai, 26th May, 2013

‘Setting the pace: a dromology of Shakespeare translation in post-war Japan’ (presentation), 1st regional workshop, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Semarang State University, Indonesia, 26th March, 2013

‘Shoyo at sea’ (presentation), international conference, ‘Shakespeare and Japan’, De Montfort University, Leicester, 26th February, 2013


‘Tsubouchi Shoyo ga Sheikusupia geki ni hiraita kairo – honyaku to metafa’ (Maritime imagery and contexts in the Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo) (presentation), Kansai Shakespeare Circle, Ritsumeikan University, 30th September, 2012

‘Shoyo and his contemporaries’ (presentation), annual conference, British Association for Japanese Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 7th September, 2012


‘Shoyo and his contemporaries’ (presentation), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, 22nd October, 2011

‘Signs of the times: understanding Shakespeare performance today’ (lecture), annual meeting, Kwansei Gakuin Society of English and American Literature, 24th September, 2011

‘Tsubouchi, Dryden and the problem of Shakespeare’s universality’ (workshop, ‘Global Shakespeare’), 9th World Shakespeare Congress, Charles University, Prague, 21st July, 2011


‘A normative reassessment of the Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo’ (presentation), Asian Translators Forum, University of Macao, 6th November, 2010

‘Shakespeare and the next generation of open web technologies’ (workshop), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, Fukuoka Jogakuin University, 17th October, 2010

‘Philip Larkin (1922-85), Renaissance Man’ (presentation), general meeting, Renaissance Institute, Sophia University, 25th September, 2010

‘At sea with Shoyo’ (presentation), annual meeting, Japan Women’s University Department of English Alumnae Association, 19th June, 2010

‘Sir Walter Scott and the Romanticism of Tsubouchi Shoyo’ (presentation), conference, ‘Digital Romanticisms’, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo, Hongo, 23rd May, 2010


‘New synergies in contemporary British Shakespeare performance’ (convener and panelist), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, University of Tsukuba, 4th October, 2009

‘Contemporary British poetry on the Internet: a journey into the Poetry Archive’ (lecture), Association of Foreign Teachers in Japan, Japan Women’s University, 5th April, 2009


‘Sheikusupia joen – joen kenkyu no ima’ (Shakespeare performance and performance studies in contemporary Japan) (workshop), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka, 12th October, 2008

‘Something like satori : Shakespeare performance in contemporary Japan’ (presentation), annual  conference, ‘Re-Constructing Asian-ness(es) in the Global Age’, International Federation for Theatre Research, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, 17th July, 2008

‘Smelling a rat: a corpus linguistic approach to Tsubouchi Shoyo’s Hamlet translations’ (presentation), Waseda University Global COE Program, 12th March, 2008


‘‘My unfeeling heart’: a reason for Shakespeare in Meiji Japan’ (presentation), biennial conference, British Shakespeare Association, University of Warwick, 2nd September, 2007


‘Shakespeare translation studies: two Japanese versions of Sonnet 12’ (lecture), annual consortium of postgraduate English majors (Tokyo area), Japan Women’s University, 25th November, 2006

‘The hiddenness of Shoyo’ (presentation), general meeting, Renaissance Institute, Sophia University, 30th September, 2006

‘Brave Old Worlds: Shakespeare production and reception in East Asia’ (co-convener and panelist), 8th World Shakespeare Congress, Brisbane City Hall, Australia, 17th July, 2006


‘Nihon ni okeru Sheikusupia no honyaku to juyu’ (Translation and reception of Shakespeare in Japan) (panel discussion), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, Japan Women’s University, 10th October, 2005

‘Ibunka koryu no shiza kara mita Nihon no Sheikusupia juyoshi’ (Shakespeare reception in Japan from a cross-cultural perspective) (panel discussion), annual conference, Japan Society for Theatre Research, Osaka University, 19th June, 2005

‘‘Like the pain of a pin prick’: A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 1920s Japan’ (presentation), international conference, Shakespeare Association of Korea, National Theatre of Korea, Seoul, 17th September, 2005

‘‘Six parts romanticism to four parts naturalism’: Shakespeare in 1920s Japan’ (presentation), biennial conference, British Shakespeare Association, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2nd September, 2005


‘‘Singing like birds i’th’ cage’: Shakespeare translation in modern Japan’ (presentation), inaugural conference, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, 14th August, 2004

Up to 2003

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo and the meanings of Shakespeare translation in modern Japan’ (presentation), AHRB Centre for Asian and African Literatures, University College, London, June 2003

‘Impulsive Shakespeare: prosody in Japanese translations of A Midsummer Night’s Dream ’  (presentation), AHRB Centre for Asian and African Literatures, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, November 2002

‘Shakespeare Basho’ (presentation), World Haiku Festival 2002, Akita, September 2002

‘Speaking Shakespeare in Japanese: some contemporary exponents’ (presentation), International Conference on Shakespeare Performance in the New Asias, National University of Singapore, July 2002

‘Little and large: translating Shakespeare/translating haiku’ (presentation), J-NET Workshop, St John’s College, Oxford, April 2002

‘‘Shakespeare’s mad words’: Takahashi Yasunari’s kyogen Falstaff’ (presentation), International  Conference on Translating Humour, Translation in Oxford, September 2001

‘Fair and foul: two recent Japanese translations of King Lear ’ (presentation), History and Practice of Copying in Japan conference, Europe Japan Research Centre, Oxford Brookes University, September 2001

‘The sonnet form in Japanese’ (convener and presenter), postgraduate seminar, British Association for Japanese Studies, Oxford Brookes University, July 2001

‘Ninagawa Macbeth ’ (presentation), International Symposium on Japanese Theatre in the 21st  Century (Japan 2001), University of Edinburgh, July 2001

‘Kabuki Shakespeare’ (presentation), Shakespeare Translation Study Day, Rewley House, Oxford, June 2001

‘‘Dreams come true’: Fukuda Tsuneari and the Shakespearean sub-text’ (presentation), annual meeting, Association for Japanese Literary Studies, Washington University, St Louis, Missouri, November 2000

‘Shakespeare and modern Japanese literature’ (workshop presentation), annual conference, Shakespeare Society of Japan, Kobe Shoin Women’s University, October 2000

‘Tsubouchi Shoyo at the Columbia in 1933’ (presentation), annual conference, British Association for Japanese Studies, University of Birmingham, March 2000

‘Stylistic mixing: lyric and rhetoric in Japanese translations of A Midsummer Night’s Dream ’  (presentation), postgraduate seminar, British Association for Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield, July 1999

‘Accentual prosody in Japanese translations of A Midsummer Night’s Dream ’ (presentation), annual  conference, British Association for Japanese Studies, King Alfred’s College, Winchester, March 1999

Academic memberships

Shakespeare Society of Japan (since 2003)

   Editorial Board, Shakespeare Studies (2011-13, 2015-17, and 2019-23)

   Committee Member (from 2025)

Philip Larkin Society (since 2004)

English Literary Society of Japan (since 2009)

Kwansei Gakuin University Society of English and American Literature (since 2011)

Kansai Shakespeare Circle (since 2012)

Japan Society of English Usage and Style (since 2013)

International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (since 2014)

Japan Society for Theatre Research (since 2017)

Japan Comparative Literature Association (since 2020)

Awards etc.

In 1985, I was awarded a College Exhibition at Christ Church, Oxford.

In 1992, I was awarded the Ivan Morris Memorial Prize by the British Association for Japanese Studies for my MA dissertation on railway privatization in Japan.

Between 1998 and 2001 I was Treasurer of Tandem, a mental health befriending charity in Oxford, and between 2001 and 2003 a Tandem befriender.

In June 2003, I visited Waseda University to research the Shakespeare translations of Tsubouchi Shoyo. This visit was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

In July 2009, I attended the Hong Kong Translation Research Summer School at Hong Kong Baptist University.

In November 2016, I passed ARBSM Clarinet Grade 8.

In April 2022, I was appointed a co-investigator in a Kaken Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) project, 'A Brave New World for Japanese Shakespeare Adaptations: Rethinking Shakespeare Studies through Adaptations', principal investigator: Prof. Tetsuhito Motoyama, Waseda University (1st April, 2022, to 31st March 2026).

I have reviewed book and journal submissions for Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, Multicultural Shakespeare and Journal of World Languages.


Japanese ~ fluent speaking, listening and reading, and competent writing

   Level 1, Japanese Proficiency Test (1991)

   Level 3, Kanji Aptitude Test (2013)

French ~ competent

   GCE Advanced Level, Grade A (1984)

German ~ competent

   GCE Advanced Level, Grade A (1984)

Korean ~ competent

   Level 2, Test of Proficiency in Korean (2011)

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